PlanetSolar is the worlds largest solar boat and sailing around the world at the moment. She is in the Philippines at the time of writing. Their goal is to promote the use of renewable. They do this by..

PlanetSolar is the worlds largest solar boat and sailing around the world at the moment. She is in the Philippines at the time of writing. Their goal is to promote the use of renewable. They do this by..
There are many ways too achieve your goal when you want to change. One way can be to slowly make little changes over a long period of time. Or another, more drastic, way is too make a 180..
Solar boats are of course the thing we are looking for here. Small or large, with a traditional design or futuristic ones. Some are designed for recreational purposes while others are build to break records, some are build..
The french ship yard STX France has introduced a novelty in the nautical industry. They built a fully electrical, zero emission ferry. Instead of using traditional batteries to power the electrical engines, they opted for super capacitors. The..
PlanetSolar is the largest solar-powered boat and sailed around the world only using solar power. As you can see, this was achieved by covering every square inch with solar panels, and then some more, just to get as..
You would expect a solar powered boats to come a sunny place like Florida or perhaps a country focussed on renewable energy like Germany. And surely not from the mountains. But the swiss do not only make watches,..
Sunday 18th of September As the title suggests, this is a challenge for electrical boats to see how long and how far electrically powered boats can go. They want to show the public what is possible with electrically..
Ecolution is the creation of Wubbo Ockels. After traveling to space he decided that the earth deserves better, so he built a boat that doesn’t need any fossil fuels, can sail all year long, all around the world…
It is possible! That is the good news. Fully solar powered, all you hear is a whisper from the electrical engine. This is great. It looks really relaxed, sailing around without the noise of the traditional noisy engine.
I was reading an article about an electrically powered boat. Although the main aim of this boat is not to be purely powered by renewable energy, it could be. It is a sailing boat with an electrical engine. The..
PlanetSolar PlanetSolar is the worlds largest solar boat and sailing around the world at the moment. She is in the Philippines at the time of writing. Their goal is to promote the use of renewable. They do this..